Seven years, 2,555 days, 21,928 posts, over 4,700,000 visitors from 168 countries, thousands of loyal readers and hundreds of friends.
And you know why I can proudly show you these numbers today? Because of you! Without you The Presurfer is nowhere.
Therefore, on this day, I have something very important to say to all of you. Just two words. THANK YOU!
40 comment(s):
congratulations. here's to many more years to come. this is one of my favorite places online. don't ever change.
WOW. That is exceptional. Thanks for your dedication, good eye and humor!
I'm impressed! Congrats on the first seven, and I'm looking forward to the next.
Happy Birthday Presurfer!!! I'm excited to share a birthday (my 21st in fact) with one of my favorite websites :) Keep up the entertainment and good work! :)
whoa ! 7 years ! awesome !
happy birthday, and wish u all the best ! keep up the great work ^^
I'm at 7 years as well Gerard, 8 in March. I can't believe it! I love your place in cyberspace, don't ever stop!
Happy Birthday! And very well done indeed, Gerard, you are incredibly dedicated -- among all of my acquaintances I only know a couple of people who I could possibly imagine putting in this amount of work day in and day out for seven years (and I'm not one of them). Kudos!
Happy Birthday!
Seven years is a LONG time to be blogging! I was delighted to see your 2002 page via the Wayback Machine at Dump Trumpet recently. Congratulations and Happy Blogiversary! Here's to many more years!
Happy Birthday!! and thank you for your dedication, Gerard.
Congratulations Gerard! :-D
Wow, 7 years! Yours was one of the first blogs I read and it turned me on to so many others. I was even inspired to start a blog of my own so that I could spread some linky goodness myself. It's hard work being interesting each and every day - keep it up.
I just discovered The Presurfer a few months ago, and I love it.
Congratulations. Awesome blog by the way. Keep it going.
Hi - congratulations!! I´ve been reading your blog for at least 5 years. You are a true veteran! Best wishes,
WOW! 7 years?? That's almost more time than what I've know the internet for!
Congratulations Gerard... Your solo work is astounding and a inspiration to every one online!
Keep the years coming!
Happy Birthday Presurfer! Thanks and more power to you!
Congratulations Gerard. Your blog is like an old friend for me. I like to have lunch with the Presurfer.
Keep up the good work.
Happy Birthday!
Gefeliciteerd Gerard!! Blijf trouw je fantastische blog volgen. Fan van het eerste uur.
Ga zo door!
Long time reader, first time comment..er? Just thought I'd show my appreciation for you dedication. Oh look, I'm a poet and I dont know. IT. Ok so I'm not that good at it. I'll get round to saying what I came to say in a minute. Happy birthday Presurfer. Keep up the good work.
Congratulations on the milestone and thanks for all the years of entertainment!
Happy Birthday Presurfer! Thanks Gerard for my daily dose of diversion. It just wouldn't be the same without you!
Happy Blogiversary, Gerard!
Yeah! Happy Birthday! Cake for everyone. It's always a pleasure, Gerard. Thank you for the smiles.
Great Blog!
Greetings from Portugal
Congrats for your great blog!!
thanks, here's to 7 more
My numbers are smaller, but no less impressive:
Days since I came across your blog: about 60
Visits since: 1+ per day
Titbits forwarded to highly impressed friends: Hundreds
Thanks for a great job...I love this place
That is fantastic, congratulations on 7 years.
I've been enjoying your blog for more than 2 years now, but it upsets me to know that I was missing out all those previous years!
I've put you on my bookmark BAR, that's how much I like you.
Here's to many more!
Happy Anniversary! :)
congrats, this is a great site, THere is always something new and cool.
Another Blogiversary - well done! Am off to Provence and then to Tuscany later this week. So you'll see no activity on my blog until late October!
Hi, I'm One, from onesweb.
Happy Birthday!!
Congrats. The Presurfer was one of my very first reads.
Congratulations and warm greetings from the Philippines!!!!
happy happy joy joy...watch for the itch...
As usual, a day late and a dollar short...
Happy 7th!
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