Wednesday 22 August 2007

The Secret History Of The Nazi Mascot

The story of Alex Kurzem, now living in Australia, who at the age of five, had been adopted by the SS and became a Nazi mascot. He was paraded as 'the Reich's youngest Nazi' and he witnessed some unspeakable atrocities. But his SS masters never discovered the most essential detail about his life: their little Nazi mascot was Jewish.

It was not until 1997 that he finally told his family, and along with his son, Mark, set about discovering more about his past life. After visiting the village where he was born, they found out his real name was Ilya Galperin, and even uncovered a film in a Latvian archive of Alex in full SS regalia.

3 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Very interesting article. I invite everyone to visit my Blog magazine about Chile.

Unknown said...

Nice shot.

As info, while Alex may have been an "SS mascot", ALL of the uniforms in this pic are regular army (Wehrmacht) and definitely not SS (Schutzstaffel).

Thanks for your excellent blog.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Robert, for the additional information.