Thursday 9 August 2007

The Eight Irresistible Principles Of Fun

Canadian Michael Bungay Stanier is an acclaimed professional keynote speaker and he offers a wide variety of topics to help his audiences get unstuck and get going on the stuff that matters. He the author of 'The Eight Irresistible Principles Of Fun.'

With just a few simple rules you can enjoy life much more. His rules are a little contradictive because rule #3 says 'Stop following the rules.' Besides that it does make sense. He also an extra rule #9.

* 1. Stop hiding who you really are.
* 2. Start being intensely selfish.
* 3. Stop following the rules.
* 4. Start scaring yourself.
* 5. Stop taking it all so damn seriously.
* 6. Start getting rid of the crap.
* 7. Stop being busy.
* 8. Start something.
* 9. Don’t worry what others will think about you.

Here's a presention of The Eight Irresistible Principles Of Fun.

(via Grow-A-Brain)

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