Saturday 7 July 2007

Tunguska Explosion

On June 30, 1908, an enormous explosion flattened about 500,000 ac of pine forest near the Stony Tunguska River in central Siberia. Its energy is estimated to have been equivalent to that of about 15 megatons of TNT.

Uncertain evidence suggests that a meteoroid or, less likely, a comet disintegrated in the atmosphere high above Earth's surface, creating a fireball and blast wave but no crater. Eyewitnesses spoke of a fireball lighting the horizon, initially visible from about 500 miles away, followed by trembling ground and hot winds strong enough to throw people down and shake buildings.

5 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Hi Gerard, love your site man. Small correction on the 'Tunguska Explosion' according to the video narration, the month was 'July' not June. Cheers, Rik.

Dave said...

Whenever it was, you can bet Bush was behind it!
(someone had to say it...)

Anonymous said...

"...Scientific explanations do not satisfy many ufologists."

And grass is green.

But Dave is right. Clearly this was the work of the incompetent Bush administration.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rik.
The video narration is wrong.
All the information I have read about Tunguska claims the explosion happened at 7:17 AM on the morning of June 30, 1908.

Paige said...

The whole UFO explanation is ridiculous. We don't know that a single UFO (as in alien spaceship) has ever visited the earth, and if one did, we do not know what size the ship was or what its method of propulsion was, or if such a ship was capable of such a large explosion.

But since the scientific explanation doesn't quite fit exactly, it must be a UFO (although that explanation fits less well than the scientific explanation).