Friday 8 June 2007

The Profit Calculator

You can't live in New York and remain oblivious to the machinery of profit pumping away under every surface. This city makes money, loses money, houses money; lately, with luxe condos stacking up like casino chips along the waterfront, the city looks like money.

What's amazing, then, is how little we truly know about the inner workings of this beast we feed, and milk, daily:
How does New York make its money?

The wild risks, unexpected niches, and day-in-day-out grind behind making a dollar in New York... for everyone from a drug dealer to Goldman Sachs.

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Interesting and insightful -- but it doesn't really answer the main question it asks: How does New York make its money?

Except one or maybe two, all investigations are looking into how money are being exchanged between New Yorkers. But New York on the whole doesn't make any money that way -- it needs outside income to make money, and that's not being covered here.