Saturday 19 May 2007

John Bracken

John Bracken is an independent candidate for the coming General Election in Ireland. He's married, has 5 children and is an auctioneer by profession. Nothing wrong with that. There's also nothing wrong with his election song. I actually like it. I'm not sure if he sings the song himself.

Press the 'Play' button on his site to hear John Bracken's election song.

3 comment(s):

Miss Cellania said...

This should clear up the question once and for all about what country our "country music" comes from.

Anonymous said...

The song certainly sounds American. That's why I'm not sure if he sings it himself.

Anonymous said...

well i don't know about his song or but i know that people in laois & offaly a backing him at a huge rate if you dont beleave me cheak out paddy powers web site asap his gone from 50/1 then 40/1, 25/1 and is now at 16/1 so lets all give our vote to bracken and at the same time beat the bookie