Friday 18 May 2007

How Addicted To Coffee Are You?

Do you enjoy the occasional mocha or do you dive head first into a pot of drip every single morning? I like my coffee very much. Doesn't matter what brand or type or what time of the day. I never considered myself addicted to coffee but it seems I was wrong. I am addicted.

How addicted to coffee are you?

(via Miss Cellania)

8 comment(s):

Bogdan said...

Nah, the test itself is flawed. I only drink coffee twice a week, in the weekend evenings so I can stay up longer -- so it's obviously not a matter of addiction.

I tried feeding this data into the test but was only moderately successful (e.g. "how many cups of coffee do you drink per day?" doesn't allow less than 1).

I'd rate myself anywhere between 5% and 20%. Their evaluation was that I'm 54% addicted to coffee, which is obviously nonsense if 0% is not at all and 100% is totally addicted, as I assume it is.

Dave said...

92% for me...I roast my own, hand-grinding each cup at a time...and if anyone thinks Starbucks is "coffee", their taste buds are seriously warped. Ugh. Cat-piss can't pass for real coffee.

Anonymous said...

Bogdan, the test isn't flawed at all.
If you only drink coffee twice a week, anyone can tell you you're not an addict.
And if you're not an addict, why would you take a test like this?

Bogdan said...

Because you linked it! :-)

The test is meant to... test whether you're addicted to coffee. Isn't it reasonable to expect it can yield a negative result?

Dave, you should consider taking the final step upstream: grow it yourself! :-)

Anonymous said...

You mean you really click on every link I post?
Jeez, I feel just so powerful right now. :)

Gotinha said...

Just 38%

Raven Lee said...

It's about time. Sheesh.

Dave said...

I actually thought about that at one time. You can get the seed thingies on Ebay. But then the damned grackles would probably clean me out. And all I need is a bunch of hyperactive grackles lurking about..