Monday 28 May 2007

6 Billion Others

6 billion Others is a project by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, author of Earth from Above. The project collects testimonies of people from all over the world where they speak about what moves them. In 2008 you will be able to listen to the thousands of testimonies, and add your own testimony to the site.

The idea came to me while we were taking the shots for 'Earth from Above' in Mali. I was waiting in a little village where I started to have a discussion with someone.

In the evening, by the fireside, the man I'd been talking to told me his entire life, his desires, his wishes, his ambitions - they could be summed up in four words - 'to feed my family.' That meeting changed me, it changed the whole way I see the world.

(via Ursi's Blog)

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