Friday 2 March 2007

The Highest Paying Jobs That Don't Require A College Degree

While most people are under the impression that unskilled labor typically is worth little to nothing, there actually are several jobs that pay high wages, even if you don't have a college degree.

Here's a look at some of the best jobs out there where you can start making money now, regardless of your education. The list contains only jobs that start at more than $20 per hour and that usually offer on-the job training.

2 comment(s):

Steve-O said...

An excellent resource indeed. Here is a site that goes hand in hand, the Careers and Education website offers salary information, education requirements, job specs and much more for those interested in learning a bit more about these careers as well as hundreds of others. Happy Learning!

Steve-O said...

You could get into the field of enrollment management. Innovation Ads has been a key competitor in this field for years now and working with the company has been nothing short of rewarding!