Wednesday 14 March 2007

Did You Know?

Did You Know? is a video created by Karl Fisch, and modified by Scott McLeod. The presentation gives a look at the results of technology today and projections about how it may affect us in the future, as well as our children, our jobs, and our emotions. You will be overwhelmed!

Did You Know?

(via Reality Carnival)

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

That scares the crap out of me. Carl Sagan advised us to "never underestimate an exponential." In his book Billions & Billions, Sagan gave some other depressing consequences of exponential growth. At an inflation rate of five percent a year, a dollar is worth only thirty-seven cents after twenty years. If a uranium nucleus emits two neutrons, both of which collide with other uranium nuclei, causing them to emit two neutrons, and so forth—well, did I mention nuclear holocaust as a possible end to population growth?
I stoled that from this:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Randy for that link.