Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Meaningful Interaction With Hungarian People

From FiloLog, your personal, family-oriented guide to Hungary:

Introducing someone as a 'friend' communicates more commitment to the Hungarian than what you probably mean using this word, especially if you come from the American culture. It takes time for someone to call you his friend in Hungary, and if it happens, you are one of the few chosen ones.

Americans tend to have a low wall on the outside, and a higher one on the inside. Hungarians have a higher wall on the outside, but once you are in, you are in.

(via Everlasting Blort)

1 comment(s):

eedetik said...

Orang Amerika cenderung mempunyai dinding rendah di luar, dan yang lebih tinggi di dalamnya. Orang Hongaria mempunyai dinding yang lebih tinggi di luar, tetapi apabila anda berada, situs prediksi bola anda berada.