Monday 19 February 2007

Making Telemarketers Pay

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 led to the creation of the Do Not Call List. But tucked away in the bill was another important provision that entitles consumers to take what's called a 'private right of action.'

For each violation of the act, consumers can sue for a $500 penalty. Violations include calling after a consumer has told a company to stop, or failing to provide the consumer with a copy of the firm's Do Not Call policy.

You can sue telemarketers? Yes, you can.
In fact, you can make some decent cash for your trouble.

1 comment(s):

eedetik said...

Untuk setiap pelanggaran undang-undang, konsumen dapat menuntut hukuman situs prediksi bola. Pelanggaran termasuk menelepon setelah konsumen mengatakan kepada perusahaan untuk berhenti, atau gagal memberikan kepada pelanggan salinan kebijakan Do Not Call perusahaan.