Wednesday 7 February 2007

Locked In An Eternal Embrace

Archaeologists in Valdara, Italy, revealed the discovery of a couple locked in a tender embrace, one that has endured for more than 5,000 years.

The find was unearthed by experts digging at a neolithic site at a less than romantic industrial estate. Scientists are to examine the skeletons to try to establish how old they were when they died and how long they have been buried.

Archeologist Elena Menotti says:

We have never found a man and a woman embraced before and this is a unique find. We have found plenty of women embracing children but never a couple. Much less a couple hugging - and they really are hugging. It's possible that the man died first and then the woman was killed in sacrifice to accompany his soul.

(via Neatorama)

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

They should have waited for valentines day! lol
Interisting finding...

eedetik said...

Kami tidak pernah menemui seorang lelaki dan seorang wanita yang dipeluk sebelum ini dan ini adalah satu penemuan yang unik. Kami telah menemui banyak wanita yang memeluk anak tetapi tidak pernah menjadi pasangan. Lebih kurang memeluk pasangan - dan mereka benar-benar memeluk. Mungkin lelaki itu mati pertama dan situs prediksi bola kemudian wanita itu dibunuh sebagai korban untuk menemani jiwanya.