Monday, 12 February 2007

I Love You Kenisha

My Dear Kenisha, I love you with all my heart!!! It doesn't matter what you've done or where you've been, or how long you're gone. You will always be my sweet heart!!! For the last 20 years I have told you that my love for you is unconditional.

Your leaving me and filing for divorce has given me the opportunity and privilege of expressing that unconditional love to you in a way that would not have been possible any other way...for that I thank you. My door and my arms and my heart will ALWAYS be open for you!

Well, better late than never.

(via Grow-A-Brain)

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...


eedetik said...

Anda meninggalkan saya dan memfailkan perceraian telah memberi saya peluang dan keistimewaan untuk menyatakan bahawa cinta tanpa syarat kepada anda dengan cara yang mungkin situs prediksi bola tidak mungkin apa-apa cara lain ... kerana saya mengucapkan terima kasih