Sunday, 4 February 2007

Charles Robert Darwin

Before 1800, only a handful of scientists had given the idea of an evolving Earth serious consideration.

Relying on interpretations of the Bible, most people believed that Earth was only about 6,000 years old - not nearly old enough for countless species to have evolved. Today, we know from radiometric dating that Earth is about 4.5 billion years old.

The 1859 publication of 'On the Origin of Species,' in which Charles Robert Darwin demonstrated that all living things evolved from earlier forms of life by the process of natural selection, revolutionized human thought. Darwin's theory of evolution became accepted as one of the foundations of modern biology.

1 comment(s):

eedetik said...

situs prediksi bola menunjukkan bahawa semua makhluk hidup berevolusi dari bentuk awal kehidupan melalui proses pemilihan semula jadi, merevolusi pemikiran manusia. Teori evolusi Darwin menjadi diterima sebagai salah satu asas biologi moden.