Saturday 17 February 2007

Angry Elephant

An angry elephant takes to destroying a minibus at an annual elephant polo event in Sri Lanka.

5 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

can't blame him

Anonymous said...

what an awesome elephant!!

Unknown said...

sad thing is they probably put it down after that. :(

Anonymous said...

I was there, and none of the comments are true. The elephant was upset, and jogged (elephants can't run) off the field. The rider fell off (scary moment, but she had only a big bruise and a scratch behind the ear from her helmet) because the rope of the saddle was loose. The mahout jumped off and ran back to his elephant. Then the elephant was left alone to calm down.

Two hours later some villagers decided she was a bad elephant and started throwing rocks at her. That is when she got angry. you can see them doing this is parts of the the film. The mahouts stopped them and then tied her up, at which point the villagers came up close to throw MORE rocks. You can see that too, but in the quest for a sensational story Rueters left most of that out, and the left out what happened next - the mahouts stopped the villagers and made them leave. Abby was given more time to cool off, and then she and her mahout went home. End of story.

eedetik said...

Gajah marah mengambil masa untuk memusnahkan minibus pada acara polo gajah tahunan di situs prediksi bola Sri Lanka.