Monday 29 January 2007

Women Spend Nearly 9 Years Shopping

Carrie Bradshaw of Sex and the City joked that shopping was her cardio. Evidently, she's not the only gal who likes a good retail workout. According to a recent study by GE Money, the average woman spends 399 hours and 46 minutes shopping each year.

If the time trolling stores were limited to typical 9-to-5 business hours, it would add up to nearly nine years of retail therapy over a lifetime. The study reported that food shopping was the most labor-intensive retail activity, followed by outings for fashionable clothes.

(via The Internet Weekly)

1 comment(s):

situs prediksi bola said...

Jika waktu trolling toko terbatas pada jam kerja 9 hingga 5 jam, itu akan menambah hampir sembilan tahun terapi ritel seumur hidup. Studi ini melaporkan bahwa belanja makanan adalah aktivitas ritel paling padat karya, diikuti dengan tamasya untuk pakaian modis. eedetik