Wednesday 31 January 2007

Woman Becomes Quadruple Amputee After Giving Birth

Claudia Mejia from Sanford, USA, says she will never be able to hold her newborn because an Orlando hospital performed a life-altering surgery and, she claims, the hospital refuses to explain why they left her as a multiple amputee. The woman says the hospital won't tell her exactly what happened.

Claudia Mejia gave birth eight and a half months ago at Orlando Regional South Seminole. She was transported to Orlando Regional Medical Center in Orlando where her arms and legs were amputated. She was told she had streptococcus, a flesh eating bacteria, and toxic shock syndrome, but no further explanation was given. The hospital, in a letter, wrote that if she wanted to find out exactly what happened, she would have to sue them.

6 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

OMG. Florida is not where you want to have any kind of medical procedure. You might as well just swim to Cuba...

Unknown said...

If she truly had a "flesh eating" streptococcal infection, then she is lucky that they were able to stop it, and save her life.

Anonymous said...

A dear friend of mine was diagnosed with the same. She underwent several operations and mega doses of antibiotics. It took time but she recovered, and they didn't have to rempve her limbs. The States always crows it has the best medical care in the world but only if you can afford it and receive competent medical care.
For shame she has to sue; what are they covering up?

Toby said...

The hospital should just turn over the records. All that they're accomplishing is delaying the millions they'll have to pay after they lose the malpractice lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

Sue JUST them? Sue their parents and teachers as well, raising them and teaching them to be such POS's. You severly alter my life, butcher me without my knowledge and consent, and I have to sue you to find out why? Oh, baby, you'd make my lawyer SO VERY HAPPY! I'd probably burn down the hospital too! Well, not me, but someone who can hold a lighter! IS THIS REALLY AMERIKA???

situs prediksi bola said...

Claudia Mejia melahirkan delapan setengah bulan yang lalu di Orlando Regional South Seminole. Dia dipindahkan ke Pusat Medis Regional Orlando di Orlando di mana lengan dan kakinya diamputasi. Dia diberi tahu bahwa dia menderita streptococcus, bakteri pemakan daging, dan sindrom syok toksik, tetapi tidak ada penjelasan lebih lanjut. Rumah sakit, dalam suratnya, menulis bahwa jika dia ingin mencari tahu apa yang terjadi, eedetik dia harus menuntut mereka.