Thursday, 25 January 2007

The One Million Masterpiece

How can you create a true snapshot of our global society, and sum up its diversity in one single picture? Simple. Get together one million ordinary people from all around the world, and get them to work on the picture together in the world's largest ever artistic collaboration. A collaboration where everyone is equal, where all outcomes are valid.

You are asked to draw a small square image. You don't need to be an artist or be able to draw - you can make patterns, write words, doodle - whatever you want. Your image will be one of one million images that will make up the entire picture.
The One Million Masterpiece.

1 comment(s):

eedetik said...

Bagaimana Anda bisa membuat potret nyata masyarakat global kita, dan meringkaskan keberagamannya dalam satu gambar tunggal? Sederhana. Kumpulkan satu juta orang biasa dari seluruh dunia, dan buat situs prediksi bola mereka untuk mengerjakan gambar bersama dalam kolaborasi artistik terbesar di dunia. Kolaborasi di mana setiap orang sama, di mana semua hasil valid.