Friday 31 August 2012

Google Celebrates Maria Montessori's 142nd Birthday

Google celebrates Maria Montessori's 142nd birthday with a doodle. Maria Montessori (1870 - 1952) was an Italian physician and educator, a noted humanitarian best known for the philosophy of education which bears her name. Her educational method is in use today in public and private schools throughout the world.


(via Criggo)

The Guardians Of Time Occupy Kassel

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It sounds like a title of an old episode of Star Trek, but the town of Kassel in Germany has been invaded by a group of figures known as the Guardians of Time. Kassel holds an art exhibition every five years but despite an offer from the artist the Guardians of Time were not invited. Yet, these mysterious beings do not, it seems, need a summons from mortals. They chose to walk where they wish.

Flying In A First Class Cabin

YouTube user Volterrific treated himself to a First Class Suite on Emirates Airlines A380 Super Jumbo from Bangkok to Hong Kong.

YouTube link

(thanks Cora)

Beer Tracker Bottle Opener

When you wake up in the morning and can't remember how many beers you drank the night before, the Beer Tracker Bottle Opener is something for you. Each time you pop the cap off with this device, a digital counter increases by one. Resets to zero when you're ready to do it all over again.

Friday Cartoon By Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson is a professional cartoonist from the Chicago area. His cartoons have been published in Reader's Digest, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Woman's World and the Saturday Evening Post, to mention just a few. Among his clients are GM, General Electric, FedEx, Microsoft, and IBM.

10 Antioxidant-Rich Foods

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Antioxidants can be found as vitamins, minerals or phytochemicals. They help repair cell damage caused by free radicals, which can mess with your immune system. Some researchers also believe that free-radical damage may be involved in promoting chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.

If you're thinking about picking up an 'antioxidant-rich' supplement - don't be fooled. Each fruit and veggie has their own unique combination of various antioxidants - you won't find any of these specialized combos isolated in a pill. Your best bet is to eat a variety of seasonal produce so you can reap all the benefits.

How 13 Classic Video Games Got Their Names

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When Russian game designer Alexey Pajitnov named his famously addictive video game Tetris, he decided to combine two words: tetromino and tennis. A tetromino is a geometric shape comprising four squares. Tennis was just Pajitnov's favorite sport.

Here are the stories of how famous video games got their names, and what they were almost called.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Rodafonio From Factoria Circular

Factoria Circula is a Catalan music band who created a performance called 'Rodafonio.' Three musicians are inside a giant wheel playing the original soundtrack of Pilu Spagnolo. The music puts in movement the mechanism, the mechanism puts in movement the music. The machinery is created by Cesar Alvarez.

Vimeo link

(thanks Cora)

17 Awesome Works Of Art In Unexpected Places

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Art is everywhere around you. You just have to look a bit closer. Check out some of these amazing and surprising pieces of art around the world.

36 Pictures Of The Construction Of The Titanic

At the time when the Titanic was put down on paper and of course when the ship itself was built, the world thought that such a vessel, weighing in at 52,310 tons, couldn't float. But as time went on, and the ship eventually became sea ready, the world was in awe at the wondrous feat. The architects of the ship assured everyone that the ship was unsinkable. We all know what happened.

Have a look at these 36 vintage photographs that show the Titanic being built from the ground up. It's a thing of mammoth proportions, and you don't have to look long and hard to understand the scale of this breathtaking vessel.

Paralympics: 10 Things You Need To Know

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Yesterday evening, 80,000 people in the Olympic Stadium in London watched an amazing opening ceremony that kicked off the Paralympic Games. After the success of the London Olympics there's unprecedented excitement about the Paralympics. But what are the differences between the two sets of Games?

(thanks Cora)

Key Card Hotel

InterContinental Hotels Group is the owner of the Holiday Inn 'Key Card Hotel, the first-ever hotel made of key cards in New York City. The hotel was built by card-stacking master Bryan Berg, from 200,000 discarded hotel key cards.

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Dalek Cupcakes Are Out Of This World

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The new season of the award winning BBC TV series Doctor Who is almost upon us. Once again the Doctor will face his oldest and deadliest foes in Asylum of the Daleks. If you have been scratching your head about what treats to stock up on for the season premier, then look no further. Dalek cupcakes are the perfect accompaniment to this long anticipated episode.

First Footage Of Rare Anglerfish

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A rare species of anglerfish has been filmed for the first time by US scientists. The deep-dwelling fish was first described in 1899 from a dead specimen but has not previously been seen alive. Using a remote-operated vehicle, biologists observed the fish 'walking' with its fins and using its namesake lure. Scientists suggest the footage also shows that the fish change colour as they age.

Contingency Plan For The Zombie Apocalypse

A document that's an extension of the suggestions for defense policy brought forth in the United States Strategic Studies Institute paper, 'Known Unknowns: Unconventional Strategic Shocks in Defense Strategy Development.'

In addition to providing an in-depth review of U.S. government documents outlining official protocol for handling this type of crisis, it also touches on how actual emergency agencies would prevent the spread of infection and even what level of existing weaponry would be considered effective against roaming armies of the undead.

(thanks Andrea)

Wednesday 29 August 2012

'100' (5050 Years In 150 Seconds)

If you add up the ages of all the people in this short film you will get the grand total of 5050 years. '100' was made by Dutch filmmaker Jeroen Wolf. In October 2011 he started documenting people in the city of Amsterdam, approaching them in the street and care homes asking them to say their age in front of the camera. It's also a great way to learn to count to 100 in Dutch.

Vimeo link

(via Kuriositas)

12 Wonderful Water Castles

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A water castle is a castle or stately home whose site is entirely surrounded by moats or natural water bodies. The water that surrounds the castle was used as an obstacle to hinder an attacker. In many places in Europe, castles that had formerly been fortified changed their role or were converted over the course of time so that they became largely representational and residential buildings.

(thanks Bosko)

Curiosity Looks Sharp

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The Curiosity rover on Mars is still going through its shake down phase, using new equipment and making sure all is well. A few days ago, engineers fired up its 100 mm camera - a telephoto that has a bit more zoom to it than the cameras from which we've been seeing pictures.

They pointed it to the base of Mount Sharp, the big mountain in the center of its new home of Gale Crater. And what it saw is, simply, breath-taking.

The Book Of Wonderful Characters

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Printmaker James Caulfield spent much of his career publishing illustrated books about 'remarkable persons'. More than forty years after his death, this collection of biographies, produced in collaboration with Henry Wilson, was republished in 1869.

The vignettes, accompanied by engravings of each individual, describe a wide-ranging group - from the man who died aged 152 to a 'remarkable glutton' to a woman who lived on the smell of flowers - their only common factor being that they were in some way 'wonderful'.

The Book of Wonderful Characters: Memoirs and Anecdotes of Remarkable and Eccentric Persons in all Ages and Countries by Henry Wilson and James Caulfield.

(via Everlasting Blort)

How To Dispense Tic Tacs Like A Boss

Ever have trouble pulling out just a single Tic Tac? Apparently we've been dispensing these iconic breath mints incorrectly our entire lives. Here's how to do it, like a boss.

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(thanks Miss Rare)

9 Substances That Only Exist In Sci-Fi

Soaring through space at warp speed, travelling through time, and being indestructible are, unfortunately, all out of the reach of present-day science. The technologies we need to achieve wondrous feats such as these remain a mystery to us.

Luckily, science-fiction creators are not bound by the known and can use their imagination to fill in the gaps in current understanding, creating marvellous substances that can achieve the seemingly impossible. Here follows a summary of some of the most famous substances that only exist in our collective imagination.

(thanks Andrea)

The Burrowing Owl - The Smallest Species Of Owl

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There are a number of things which separate the burrowing owl from other species. The first clue is in the name. Another is that they are the smallest species of owl on the planet and usually they are not more than half a pound in weight and reach around ten inches in height. They also come out in the day time, unlike most other owls.

Fastest Bass Guitar Player World Record

Jayen Varma played his bass guitar at 324 bpm, an official world record. More world records at RecordSetter.

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Candy Wrapper Archive

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A collection of candy packages dating back to the early 1900s. The site, which includes more than 600 candy wrappers, began from the personal collection of founder Richard Saunders, who started saving them in 1983. Arranged by brand, the collection provides a fun way to browse nostalgic wrappers, from Snickers to Kit Kat, and many in between.

(thanks Cora)

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Clever Bird Goes Fishing

This Green Heron shows some real learning behavior. It actually feeds bread to fish to catch it. The method succeeds, a true testimony to bird cognition. The most amazing is, it seems to be hungry but does not eat the bread like the surrounding Ibises do.

YouTube link

(thanks Cora)

Good Job!

(via Criggo)

How Your Grandpa Got His LOLs

H. Fishlove & Co. is a manufacturer of novelties and gags. Toilets were Irving Fishlove's thing. Fishlove focused on toilets when, in 1924, TootsieToy started making doll-house furniture using a new injection-molding process. One of the items they made was a toilet. When Fishlove looked at that toilet, he didn't see doll-house furniture. He saw funny.

And so he started making all kinds of gags using this little toilet. The beauty of it was that Fishlove could use the same toilet in any gag box. His strategy was pretty ingenious, actually. He would just order tons of these toilets for gag boxes. All he had to do was change the wording on the box.

(thanks Ben)

The 10 Highest-Paid DJs In The World

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With the increasing popularity and resurgence of electronic dance music, better known as EDM, DJ paydays have also seen a record high. The top ten 'Electronic Cash Kings,' as Forbes calls them, earned anywhere from $7 million to $22 million in the past year alone. Dutch born DJ Tiesto (picture above) tops the list with earnings of $22 million, buoyed by an average nightly gross of $250,000.

The Colors Of Evil

A child tries to take revenge on a bully. A short animated film by Alyse Miller and Phillip Simon.

Vimeo link

(via Miss Cellania)

Those Miserable Weekdays

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We may say we hate Mondays, but research suggests Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are equally loathed. US investigators who looked at a poll of 340,000 people found moods were no worse on Mondays than other working days, bar Friday. People were happier as they approached the weekend, lending support for the concept of 'that Friday feeling.'

(via ackackack)

Manuel Cafini Beautifully Captures Motion In Photography

An engineer turned photographer 'by chance', Italian photographer Manuel Cafini manages to harmoniously combine the technical aspects of photography with the perception and sensitivity of an artist. Entirely self-taught, he has found his visual voice as he's exploring the art of motion in his works.

Here's an interview with Manuel Cafini, in which he tells us about finding his authenticity, about exploring motion in people or objects, and about finding the balance between photography as an art and photography as a science.

(thanks Andrei)

What Is A Black Hole?

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Black holes may be among the strangest - and most commonly misunderstood - objects in our universe. The remnants of the most massive stars, they sit at the limit of our understanding of physics. They can contain several times the mass of our sun in a space no larger than a city.

With gravity so intense that not even light can escape their surfaces, black holes can teach us about the absolute extremes in the cosmos and the very structure of space itself.

Monday 27 August 2012

Red Dust Devil

A man in Brazil captures an incredible orange dust devil. The funnel's hue was caused by clay in the area's soil.

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(thanks Miss Rare)

Police Mugshots Of 1930s Criminals

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All of these men were caught by the long arm of the British law by police in the 1930s. Amazingly, this collection was recently discovered in a junk shop in the northeast of England.

Later these mugshots were donated to the Tyne & Wear Archives and Museums and have been recently released on its Flickr photostream. The clarity of many of them is, to not put too fine a point on it, arresting.

How To Make Ice Cubes

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Someone at made a recipe for ice cubes.

I am publishing this recipe because I am sure that there are other families who have members who don't know how or have forgotten how to make ice when the ice-tray is empty.

(thanks Cora)

A Day In Pompeii

August 24, 79 AD. The day started like any other day.
An animated film depicting the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.

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Is There A Limit To How Tall Buildings Can Get?

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The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is 828 meters tall. Bold builders in China want to go 10 meters higher later this year with a 220-story pre-fab tower that can be constructed in a baffling 90 days. And then, in 2018, the Kingdom Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia will go significantly farther, with a proposed height of at least 1,000 meters.

Will this race ever stop? Not in the foreseeable future, at least. But there has to be some sort of end point, some highest possible height that a building can reach. There will eventually be a world's tallest building that is unbeatably the tallest, because there has to be an upper limit.

Why Does Inhaling Helium Make Your Voice Squeaky?

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Sucking a lungful of helium out of a balloon makes your voice sound hilarious. But contrary to popular belief, the switch from air to helium gas doesn't actually increase the pitch of your voice (at least not very much).

Instead, it affects a much more mysterious property of the sound, called 'timbre.' Rather than chirping high notes like Tweety Bird, you start quacking words like Donald Duck. Why does your voice get that reedy tone?

Lago Maggiore Timelapse

Timelapse sequences shot at the Lago Maggiore in Italy by Belgian videographer Matthew Vandeputte, during the first week of august 2012.

Vimeo link

related post:
The Alps At Night

Glass Tank

The Glass Tank by Japanese designer Kouichi Okamoto is a device consisting of a bulb shaped container with the glass attached. When the amount in the glass decreases, a constant amount is poured from the tank into the glass, . never overflowing from the glass because of air pressure and water pressure.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Separating Egg Yolks With A Water Bottle

How to separate egg yolks using a water bottle.

YouTube link

(via Everlasting Blort)

NASA's Curiosity Photos Show Mars Teeming With UFOs

According to the fringe sector of the Internet, Mars is practically teeming with aliens. Since NASA's Curiosity rover touched down on the Red Planet two weeks ago and powered up its cameras, it has already managed to photograph several alleged UFOs and other anomalies in the surrounding landscape.

From classic flying saucers to an absurdly out-of-place fossilized human finger, here's a rundown of what UFO believers claim to have found in Curiosity photos so far.

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World's Greatest Drag Race

The World's Greatest Drag Race with nine of the world's best supercars, sports cars, and muscle cars for 2012 facing off in an epic quarter-mile sprint. The field includes the Lamborghini Aventador, Nissan GT-R Black Edition, Ford Shelby GT500, McLaren MP4-12C, Jaguar XKR-S, Porsche 911 Carrera S, Subaru BRZ, Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Black Series and the Chevrolet Camaro ZL1.

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Windows Solitaire Win Screen

If you own a PC with Windows you're familiar with the Windows Solitaire card game. Microsoft has included the game as part of the Windows operating system since Windows 3.0, starting from 1990. You have to complete the game to see the win screen where all the card decks pop up. Not any longer. Go here, click and win!

20 Incredible Migrating Monarch Butterfly Pictures

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They look like delicate leaves or flower petals, decorating a tree in dramatic shades of orange and black. But in fact these are Monarch butterflies, one of the best known and most interesting of North America's butterfly species. The Monarch is famous for its southward migration and northward return in summer from Canada to Mexico and Baja California which spans the life of three to four generations of the butterfly.

The Evolution Of Business Cards

Business cards are cards bearing business information about a company or individual. They are shared during formal introductions as a convenience and a memory aid. A business card typically includes the giver's name, company affiliation and contact information.

Traditionally many business cards were simple black text on white stock; today a professional business card will sometimes include one or more aspects of striking visual design.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Neil Armstrong, First Man On The Moon, Dies

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Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, has died, his family said today. He was 82. Neil Armstrong has passed away following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures. He underwent heart surgery this month.

He and fellow astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins blasted off in Apollo 11 on a nearly 250,000-mile journey to the moon that went down in the history books. It took them four days to reach their destination. On July 20, 1969, Armstrong, at age 38, became the first person to set foot on the moon.

After his historic mission, Armstrong worked for NASA, coordinating and managing the administration's research and technology work. In 1971, Armstrong resigned from NASA and taught engineering at the University of Cincinnati for nearly a decade. While many people are quick to cash in on their 15 minutes of fame, Neil Armstrong largely avoided the public spotlight and chose to lead a quiet, private life with his wife and children.

The Hamilton Scotts Sky Garage Apartments

Take a look at the ultra high-tech Hamilton Scotts 'Sky Garage Apartments' on Scotts Road in Singapore, where your car is brought up to your living room floor by a biometrically controlled lift. This is the world's tallest luxury residence with en-suite elevated sky garages.

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(thanks Cora)

Why Is The Night Sky Turning Red?

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The idea of a red sky at night used to invoke beautiful images of vibrant sunsets, the product of warm sunlight bathing the sky near the horizon. The adage of 'red sky at night, sailor's delight' refers to a calm night ahead; a red sunset suggests a high-pressure system in the west is bringing calm weather.

But red skies at night have taken on a new meaning in recent decades. As outdoor lighting become increasingly prominent, our night skies are gradually turning from black to red.

Microsoft Unveils A New Logo

This week, Microsoft unveiled a new corporate logo, its first logo redesign since 1987. The logo has two components: the logotype and the symbol. For the logotype, Microsoft is using the Segoe font which is the same font they use in their products as well as their marketing communications.

Longest Basketball Bank Shot World Record

David Crawford successfully banked a basketball shot off wall 42 feet away from the basket. More World Records at RecordSetter.

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(thanks David)

Disease Maps Pinpoint Origin Of Indo-European Languages

Biologists using tools developed for a technique normally used to study the evolution and spread of disease say that they have solved a longstanding problem in archaeology: the origin of the Indo-European family of languages. The family includes English and most other European languages, as well as Persian, Hindi and many others.

English, Dutch, Spanish, Russian, Greek and Hindi might all sound very different, but there are many commonalities, such as the Dutch moeder, Spanish madre and Russian mat, all of which mean mother. On this basis, researchers have concluded that more than a hundred languages across Europe and the Middle East, from Iceland to Sri Lanka, stem from a common ancestor.

Scientist have found decisive support for an Anatolian (the westernmost protrusion of Asia, comprising the majority of Turkey) origin. Both the timing and the root of the tree of Indo-European languages fit with an agricultural expansion from Anatolia beginning 8,000 to 9,500 years ago.

(thanks Cora)

Simon Says Don't Use Flashcards

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Parents who want to stimulate their children's brain development often focus on things like early reading, flashcards and language tapes. But a growing body of research suggests that playing certain kinds of childhood games may be the best way to increase a child's ability to do well in school.

Variations on games like Freeze Tag and Simon Says require relatively high levels of executive function, testing a child's ability to pay attention, remember rules and exhibit self-control - qualities that also predict academic success.

Friday 24 August 2012

Man Rides World's Smallest Bicycle

The Mini Velo pocket bicycle.

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(thanks Miss Rare)

What Were We Thinking? The Top 10 Most Dangerous Ads

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Vintage advertising campaigns often steered consumers into dangerous territory, espousing misleading half-truths to convince people that toxic products were actually good for them. We may feel we're far beyond the bad old days of deceptive advertising, but our current obesity epidemic suggests exactly the opposite.

Here's a look back at 10 colossally painful advertisements, which make you wonder: What modern 'health' products might look a little more evil in the future?

(thanks Hunter)

The 10 Stupidest Criminals

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Every once in awhile, we find proof that there's not much to understand of the criminal mindset. Here are the stories of the 10 Stupidest Criminals and their stupid crimes that are just too bizarre not to be true.

(thanks Casey)

Bacon Is Done

Stick a fork in bacon, Internet. Bacon's done.

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(thanks Cora)

Friday Cartoon By Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson is a professional cartoonist from the Chicago area. His cartoons have been published in Reader's Digest, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Woman's World and the Saturday Evening Post, to mention just a few. Among his clients are GM, General Electric, FedEx, Microsoft, and IBM.

What Happens While You Sleep And How It Affects Your Every Waking Moment

The Ancient Greeks believed that one fell asleep when the brain filled with blood and awakened once it drained back out. Nineteenth-century philosophers contended that sleep happened when the brain was emptied of ambitions and stimulating thoughts. Even today, sleep remains one of the most poorly understood human biological functions.

In Dreamland: Adventures in the Strange Science of Sleep, journalist David K. Randall explores 'the largest overlooked part of your life and how it affects you even if you don't have a sleep problem.' From gender differences to how come some people snore and others don't to why we dream, he dives deep into this mysterious third of human existence to illuminate what happens when night falls and how it impacts every aspect of our days.

Google Maps Travels North To Canada's Arctic

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Google has embarked on a trip to build the most comprehensive map of Canada's Arctic region to date. It is the furthest north that the Google Maps Street View team has traveled in Canada, and marks the first time that it has set foot in the Canadian territory of Nunavut.

Residents of Cambridge Bay (picture above), a small northern hamlet, used Google Map Maker to add roads, rivers, lakes and other points of interest to the area's map. The tool, which allows locals to add their knowledge directly to Google Maps, supports Inuktitut, one of Nunavut's official languages.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Joe Rinaudo On The American Photoplayer

Joe Rinaudo performs 'Ghost Parade' on the American Photoplayer, a type of player piano specifically developed to provide music and sound effects for silent movies.

YouTube link

(thanks Cora)

What A Surprise

(via Criggo)

Polymer Tone Shrine For Your iPad

Georg Dinkel from Germany has looked at polymer for many years in his job as a photographer for Staedtler, the maker of Fimo. This year he picked up a couple of leftover blocks and he was hooked.

Except for a wooden frame and the electronics, the rest of his Tone Shrine is polymer. Three speakers and an iPad are housed inside the structure which took three months to complete.

Amazing Buildings Devoured By Sand

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The deserts and sands are the best landscapes for finding old and abandoned buildings. The arid climate lends itself to preservation, and there is little danger of serious decay or damage from flooding.

At the same time, the sand is an ever-shifting geographic feature that can swallow whole towns both quickly or slowly. This article deals with the partially buried buildings in sand, some of which were abandoned for hundreds of years, and some only a few years.

(thanks Bosko)

The Page Turner

How to turn a newspaper page. The Page Turner is a contraption by Joseph Herscher.

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(thanks Cora)

Stories Of A Hollow Earth

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In 1741 the Norwegian-Danish author Ludvig Holberg published 'Klimii Iter Subterraneum,' a satirical science-fiction/fantasy novel detailing the adventures of its hero Niels Klim in a utopian society existing beneath the surface of the earth. Peter Fitting, author of Subterranean Worlds: A Critical Anthology, explores Holberg's book in the wider context of the hollow earth theory.

The Paralympic Games: Resourcefulness, Determination, Spirit, Courage, Integrity

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The Paralympic Games are a major international multi-sport event where athletes with a physical disability compete; this includes athletes with mobility disabilities, amputations, blindness, and cerebral palsy. Wednesday, August 29, 2012 sees the start of the Paralympic Games.

The Paralympics have grown from a small gathering of British World War II veterans in 1948 to become one of the largest international sport events by the early 21st century.

How Children Learn: Portraits Of Classrooms Around The World

Since 2004, Julian Germain has been capturing the inner lives of schools around the world, from England to Nigeria to Qatar, in his large-scale photographs of schoolchildren in class.

Classroom Portraits is a poignant lens on a system-phenomenon that is both global in reach and strikingly local in degree of peculiarity, revealed through more than 450 portraits of schoolchildren from 20 countries.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Apex Predators

Short video by Sarosh Jacob of gray reef sharks, shot in Nassau, Bahamas. The sharks hang around a shipwreck called the Ray of Hope.

Vimeo link

(thanks Cora)

When The Wild Imagination Of Dr. Seuss Fueled Big Oil

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Ever had an encounter with a Zero-doccus, a Karbo-nockus, a Moto-raspus, or a Moto-munchus? These fantastical creatures are some of the first Theodor Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, introduced to the world in the 1930s. But the beasts didn't romp through the pages of his well-loved children's books. No, instead, they were badgering hapless drivers and boaters in motor oil ads and bug spray.

(thanks Lisa)

The Bodélé Depression

The Amazon rainforest with all its plant and animal life, and all its astounding biodiversity could not exist as we know it without a patch of African desert. The soil the rainforest is producing isn't very nutrient rich. All the minerals and nutrients that fertilize the rainforest have to come from someplace else.

Scientists have known for a while that this natural fertilizer is crossing the Atlantic in the form of dust storms, but science writer Colin Schultz ran across a 2006 paper in the journal Environmental Research Letters that not only produces evidence for a much larger trans-oceanic transfer of dust than was previously assumed... it also pinpoints the exact (and astoundingly small) location where all the fertilizer in the Amazon is coming from.

A Brief History Of The Recession

A Brief History of the Recession provides a short explanation for the 2008 financial crisis. Written and directed by Don Sherwood.

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10 College Mascots That Are Really Strange And How They Came To Be

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Forget about what's happening on the college playing field. The real action is often on the sidelines or in the stands as team mascots, often costumed as fierce animals, drive fans to a screaming frenzy against the opposition and lead them in shouting their favorite team to victory. They're everywhere.

And they are animals! Well, many of them are, anyway. All during the contest, no matter what the game, the crowd is fired up by the likes of bulldogs, panthers, eagles, tigers, squirrels and anteaters. Some college mascots simply are truly weird... and every one of them has an interesting story to tell. Here are 10 of those most interesting college mascot stories.

(thanks Kat)

Could A Man Handle Pregnancy?

This infographic questions the assumption that men are stronger than women by asking: Could a man handle pregnancy? While many have speculated, this infographic relies on science to examine whether men are structurally and psychologically tough enough to withstand the physical, emotional and chemical changes that a woman undergoes during pregnancy.


For four years Daniel Disselkøen took the same tram to art academy. He wondered why you would look out the window with curiosity when there is no reason to expect anything new. He decided to change the daily journey for his fellow passengers and himself. He didn't move the tramway track, but he added something. Man-eater, a pedestrian-head eating creature. Man-eater is part of his graduation project 'Remake Reality' for the Royal Academy of Art in the Netherlands.

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(thanks Cora)

How Sweet It Is: Destinations And Their Desserts

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Cheesecake in New York, Brussels waffles in Ghent, Gelato in Florence, and Turkish Delight in Istanbul. Most destinations have at least one signature dessert - that one confection that they do so well, you can taste history in every bite. It's impossible to list all of the world's best desserts, but here is a shortlist of six cities and their famous sweet treats.