Sunday 7 August 2011

General Motors Futurliner

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The GM Futurliners were a group of stylized buses designed in the 1940s by Harley Earl for General Motors. They were used in GM's Parade of Progress, which traveled the United States exhibiting new cars and technology. The Futurliners were used from 1940 to 1941 and again from 1953 to 1956. A total of 12 were built, and 9 were still known to exist as of 2007.

Each Futurliner displayed modern advances in science and technology such as jet engines, stereophonic sound, microwave ovens, television and many other modern innovations of the time. Here's a video of a Futurliner going for a ride.

YouTube link

(via Nag on the Lake)

3 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Dr. Heller: If you're gonna bust into that mansion, you're gonna need more than a station wagon.

Mr. Furious: At the auto yard, there's this old Herkimer Battle Jitney. Sally's always telling me to junk it!

Dr. Heller: Wait! You have a Herkimer Battle Jitney? That's the finest nonlethal military vehicle ever made!

Mystery Men (1999)

Dave said...

I like how the guy blew through that stop sign.

Anonymous said...

Where are the windows for the bus passengers? I don't see any.