Tuesday 30 June 2009

How Email Works

(via Bits & Pieces)

Long-Neck Women Of Kayan

The Padaung are a group of the Karenni people, a Tibeto-Burman ethnic minority of Burma and Thailand. Women start wearing the brass neck coils at the age of five. Each coil is replaced with longer coils as the weight of the brass pushes the collar bone down and compresses the rib cage.

Contrary to popular belief, the neck is not actually lengthened; the illusion of a stretched neck is created by the deformation of the clavicle. Many ideas regarding why the coils are worn have been suggested.

One of them is the coils might be meant to protect from tiger bites. Kayan women, when asked, acknowledge these ideas, but often say that their purpose for wearing the rings is cultural identity.

Funny Wedding Pictures

Funny Wedding Pictures.

50 Cars Or 1 Coach?

A clever stunt from Swedish advertising agency Acne. Every day thousands of cars are driven to and from Swedish airports. Every car holds only 1,2 persons on average which is to be compared with the Airport Coach that takes over 50.

To highlight this, an enormous bus was built out of 50 cars on the side of the highway to the airport.

(thanks Cora)

99 Widescreen Wallpapers To Spice Up Your Desktop

An amazing collection of widescreen wallpapers related to nature, photography, patterns, illustrations, HDR as well as some abstract and fantasy-related wallpapers.

Cats In Costumes

Cats In Costumes.

(thanks Nicholas)

The Evolution Of Space Cruiser Design

Spaceship design has come a long way since the 1960s. Here's a gallery of five different eras in starships, battlecruisers and planet-destroyers, with 150+ images.

(via Dark Roasted Blend)

Funny And Fabulous Food Art

Cooking for some is a hobby, and for others a way to express themselves on an empty plate. Chefs go to great lengths to provide their guests with a memorable feast for the eyes.

Here are some examples of funny and fabulous food art for you to savor, and possibly try yourself.

(thanks Lauren)

Monday 29 June 2009

Finding My Goddess

This is Mark. He's gallant, intensely romantic, a perfect gentleman, flamboyant, extremely brilliant, extremely creative, well educated, and wise.
At least, these are his own words.

He's looking for a true Goddess for life-long intimate relationship and awesome marriage. She must be highly intelligent, very sexy, and deeply spiritual.

In this message I state what I want, and I do it firmly, assertively, and quite seriously. But I am negotiable. If you are interested but have objections, please feel free to state your objections to me. Also, because my tone is so serious here, this web site does not reveal my sense of humor. But if you get to know me, I will make you laugh and laugh and laugh! Seriously!

Gimme A Hug

Gimme a Hug is a short documentary from the Protect the Sharks Foundation. The documentary shows one of the most mysterious phenomena in the animal world; sharks, showing a totally different behaviour than most people would expect.

(thanks Pierre)

I'm Better Than You

The Portland Advertising Federation think they are the best in the country. The federation from Portland, Oregon, USA, wants you to know that its excellent advertising is far superior to your stupid advertising.

It must be awful. You, sweating, or freezing, or merely eking out your existence in some godforsaken outback like Dallas or Atlanta, while we crank out brilliant ideas one after another, as gracefully and steadily as the world-famous craft brews that flow from out state.

On their website they even created a spinning insult wheel. You can spin the wheel to get insults directed at New York, Seattle, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Boulder, and San Francisco, among others.

(via AdFreak)

The Surreal Appeal Of The Falkirk Wheel

Connecting two separate water ways may seem, on paper, and easy objective to achieve. What happens, though, when the two systems are twenty four meters apart? Plus, the word apart here means in terms of height.

The solution? An incredible rotating boat lift that looks like something from a steampunk movie.

(via Robert-John)

The Bran Flakes - Fifty Four Fifty

The Bran Flakes are a sound collage pop group with members in the United States and Canada who specialize in creating music from pre-existing sources. The group's members include Otis Fodder, Mildred Pitt, Susan DeLint and The GRDNR.

The Bran Flakes make extensive use of sampling, recontextualizing the samples into new works. The group scours thrift shops for obscure and quirky LPs; some of their songs also make use of recognizably famous basslines, television shows, and soundtracks from video games.

(via Everlasting Blort)

Chocolate Banana Pops

School is out in most places and warmer weather has arrived. The sounds of the street are filled with children's laughter and the catchy jingle of the ice cream man.

Stop there parents. You won't need to shell out for overpriced and unhealthy treats anymore. Instead, try this cheaper make-at-home cold summer treat, a great way to get healthy fruit into our kids with a little something special.

Home Schooled

Home Schooled is a comics series by American artist Ash Jackson.
Co-writing by Silas Jackson.
The Presurfer will feature a Home Schooled cartoon every Monday. This is an absolute exclusive cooperation between The Presurfer and Ash Jackson.

Home Schooled is more or less a reflection of the wacky and occasionally interesting adventures of the artist, Ash Jackson, himself, with the aid of his friends, family, and other cohorts.

Title: Didn't Think We'd Let You Off That Easy, Did You?

click on the picture for real size

Sunday 28 June 2009

New Technology Allows Parents To Hold A Life-Size Model Of Their Unborn Child

It's a defining moment in a parent's life: Seeing their unborn child's image on an ultrasound for the first time. Now pregnant women could have the chance to hold a life-size model of their unborn baby.

Brazilian student Jorge Lopes has pioneered the conversion of data from ultrasound and MRI scans into life-size plaster models of living embryos using a method called rapid prototyping.

(thanks Cora)

The Pig Who Looks Like A Sheep

She oinks, snuffles in a trough and has a fetching set of trotters. But it's not just her tail that's curly.

Elizabeth the pig - a rare Austrian Mangalitza Gilt - wears a golden fleece that could pull the wool over enough eyes to make her the pride of the flock.

(via Urlesque)

The Door To Hell

Darvaza is a Turkmenistan village of about 350 inhabitants, located in the middle of the Kara-Kum desert, north from Ashgabat. The Darvaza area is rich in natural gas. While drilling in 1971 geologists accidentally found an underground cavern filled with natural gas.

The ground beneath the drilling rig collapsed, leaving a large hole with a diameter of about 50-100 meters. To avoid poisonous gas discharge, it was decided to burn the gas. It has been burning ever since.

Web Nerd Terminology

Do you know what the web technology term nesting means? Do you know what borked is? Semantics? White Space? SERP? Above the Fold?

Web Nerd Terminology Explained.

17 Unusual Places To Spend The Night

Wouldn't it be fun to stay the night in a cave, a castle, a lighthouse or a wigwam? How about a concrete pipe? Or a bullfighting ring? Or a dog?

Underground, above ground, and underwater, here are some of the quirkiest hotels in the world.

(thanks Andi)

14 Modern Teapots And Kettle Designs

A collection of modern teapots and unusual kettle designs that will look great in any kitchen.

Saturday 27 June 2009

One Million Giraffes

My friend, Jørgen, doesn't believe I can collect one million giraffes by 2011. I'm gonna prove him wrong, but I need your help. You can create your giraffe(s) in any way you like, but not on a computer. So far I've got 4849 giraffes, so I need 995.151 more! And I have 553 days left to get them.

One Million Giraffes.

Brilliant Blocks

Use the mouse to drop blocks. Clear blocks by matching lines of 3 or more numbers or colors either vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

Clear the blocks until they are under the white line to receive more blocks, more time and higher scores.

Remote-Control Airplane Freestyle Routine

This isn't just a remote-control airplane freestyle routine.
This is art!

(via Miss Cellania)

Science And Marine Kelp Forest Photography

Kelp forests occur in cold, nutrient-rich water and are among the most beautiful and biologically productive habitats in the marine environment. The coast of California is home to one of the most spectacular kelp forests.

Within the confines of this massive forest there lies an abundance of fishes, invertebrates, algae, marine birds, and marine mammals.

(via Lauren)

Pet Portraiture

Pet portraiture by Andy Stolarek.

(via Everlasting Blort)

Variations On Normal

Variations On Normal is a blog by Dominic Wilcox. A place for the thoughts, ideas, and inventions that pop into his head as he goes about normal life. Like this doorbell with inbuilt visitor statistics display.

Friday 26 June 2009

The Evolution Of Photoshop: 1988 - 2009

Adobe Photoshop has always been one of the greatest software when it comes to manipulating and editing images. It all started off in 1987 with a Mac application call Display, created by Thomas Knoll.

With two decades worth of changes and improvements, you almost can't imagine how the first version of Photoshop would look like by looking at the Photoshop you have on your desktop.

The Evolution Of Photoshop: 1988 - 2009.

9 Months In 1 Minute And 15 Seconds

(via Gloglog)

Michael Jackson Dead

Entertainer Michael Jackson died after being taken to a hospital on Thursday having suffered cardiac arrest. Paramedics took Jackson, 50, from his west Los Angeles home to UCLA Medical Center, where a team of physicians attempted to resuscitate him for more than an hour.

Michael Jackson, the music icon from Gary, Indiana, was known as the 'King of Pop.' Jackson had many No. 1 hits and his 'Thriller' is the best-selling album of all time. Jackson was the seventh of nine children from a well-known musical family. He is survived by three children, Prince Michael I, Paris and Prince Michael II.

Remembering Michael Jackson.

10 Faces In The Sand

Though sand sculptures are inherently fleeting works of art, an astonishing amount of labor is poured into each project -often requiring teams of architectures or sculptors and nearly 3000 tons of sand per competition.

Amongst the most spectacular castles, animals or otherwise themed creations, there exist true masterpieces that appear to come to life on the shore. From agony to exhilaration, here are 10 sand-crafted expressions that masterfully exemplify real human emotions.

(thanks Annie)

Stoned Wallabies Make Crop Circles

Australian wallabies are eating opium poppies and creating crop circles as they hop around 'as high as a kite,' a government official has said. Wallabies are related to kangaroos but they are generally smaller and often have a colorful coat.

Lara Giddings, the attorney general for the island state of Tasmania, said the marsupials were getting into poppy fields grown for medicine, hopping around and creating crop circles.

Around The World In 80 Pubs

Thirsty Swagman Pty Ltd was launched on April 2, 2007, providing a real and exciting alternative to sightseeing travel for those who enjoy a good night out. The company's tours are purely party-based, and include its signature round-the-world pub crawl, as well as shorter intercontinental pub crawl tours – a concept that has never been available to travellers before.

Add some zing to your drinking by going on The World's Biggest Pub Crawl. For $11,900, you can spend 25 days collecting hangovers at 80 pubs in nine countries across four continents, from London and Munich to Phuket and Cancun.

Gum Alert

Gum Alert is a blog dedicated to one of life's greatest little pleasures: Gum.
Join Gum Alert in their quest to find the ultimate in Mastication Stimulation.

(via Neatorama)

10 Travel Accessories Essential For Any Overseas Trip

You have your passport, you have your toothbrush. What other things are essential for any overseas trip?

The accessories explored here in detail are all essential in that they will save you time, money and effort and will generally make your overseas trip a far more pleasurable experience.

(thanks Andy)

Thursday 25 June 2009

Romanian Truck Driver Dancing While Driving

I work for a transportation company and if one of our drivers would be caught doing what this Romanian truck driver does, he would be fired immediately. Having fun while you're working is OK, but this is outright irresponsible behaviour.

(via Neatorama)

The Worlds Weirdest Hangover Cures

A hangover is the price you pay in pain and suffering for the fun you had the night before. You feel like something the cat puked up on the carpet after dining on alley scraps all night.

Next time you experience that terrible 'morning after' feeling, with the queasy stomach, pounding head and a mouth full of horrifying flavours, you can always try one of these remedies.

The Incredible Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge Under Construction

Announced in 2004, the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge has been five years under construction.

Due to be completed in 2010, the bridge has slowly been taking shape. Here, with some amazing photographs is a record of this incredible bridge as it nears completion.

(via Robert-John)

18 Incredible Umbrella Art Installations From Around The World

A list of 18 examples of wonderful umbrella art. After taking a look at these, you might think twice about shoving your umbrella in the nearest trash the next time it buckles in the wind, and pass it on to your friendly neighbourhood artist instead.

Who knows, your umbrella could be re-purposed into a new and wonderful art piece to rival the ones shown here.

Japanese Kid Doesn't Take Rejection Very Well

A little Japanese boy presents flowers to girls after their piano performances. He succeeds the first time, but gets rejected on the second. His reaction is priceless.

(thanks Cora)

20 Visualizations To Understand Crime

There's a lot of crime data. For almost every reported crime, there's a paper or digital record of it somewhere, which means hundreds of thousands of data points - number of thefts, break-ins, assaults, and homicides as well as where and when the incidents occurred.

While a lot of this crime data is kept confidential to respect people's privacy, there's still plenty of publicly available records. Here are twenty visualization examples that explore this data.

12 Things You Thought Were Bad For You

Turns out your guilty pleasures (red wine, video games) may not be so guilty after all. And those pesky side effects of being an adult - stress, anyone? - can actually benefit you too. Read on to learn the positives of your seemingly negative habits.

(thanks Annie)

Hacked Road Signs

Hacked Road Signs.

(thanks Nicholas)

Wednesday 24 June 2009

Historical Tweets

Most people think Twitter was 'created' in 2006. These are the same people who think Richard Gere created Buddhism in the 1990s. Just before Madonna created yoga. Folks, like the sun, moon, and stars, Twitter has always been.

Books have been ruining history. So many unnecessary words.
Now, with Historical Tweets, history's most amazing men and women can be fully understood, a mere 140 characters at a time.

Men Who Knit

Men Who Knit: promoting and inspiring the art of knitting amongst men.

A free, friendly community site for men who knit comprised of blogs, discussion forums, and other useful knitting resources.

(via Everlasting Blort)

Have You Ever Been So Tired?

Pictures of sleeping animals.

Safety Graphic Fun

Safety Graphic Fun.


A film by Bang-Yao Liu.

365 Budapest

Zsolt Molnár from Budapest, Hungary, started his typo-photographic project in Summer 2008, focusing on the typographical diversity of Budapest's street numbers.

He rides his bike across Budapest and takes pictures of street numbers.
Then he posts a number each day, 365 different types of numbers.

X-Rays Of Stuck And Pierced Objects

X-Rays Of Stuck And Pierced Objects.

(thanks Nicholas)

6 Extraordinarily Stubborn 'Nail Houses'

A 'nail house' is a Chinese neologism for homes belonging to people who refuse to make room for development, often in an attempt to negotiate a high price in exchange for selling out. The term, a pun coined by developers, refers to nails that are stuck in wood, and cannot be pounded down with a hammer.

Here are 6 extraordinarily stubborn 'nail houses' from around the world.

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Zombie Preparedness Initiative

The Zombie Preparedness Initiative is a knowledge base provided by a community of citizens concerned about the impending zombie invasion and the imminent disaster that is sure to follow. They gather knowledge and share the acquired information with the public.

By doing this, they hope to help people prepare for the very real threat that we shall face when zombies show up and governments have not taken the time to prepare.


Let's say, a mistake of this kind is easily made.

(thanks Peter)


Spezify is a search tool presenting results from a large number of websites in different visual ways. Spezify mixes all media types and makes no difference between blogs, videos, microblogs and images.

(via Nag on the Lake)

The Religious Affiliation Of Comic Book Characters

The emphasis is on fictional characters who originated as comic book characters. Of course real-life people such as Pope John Paul II, St. Francis of Assisi, and Mother Teresa have been depicted in comic books, but such people are not listed here. This page focuses on fictional comic book characters who are adherents of real-world religions.

We want this page to be as accurate as possible, backed up by objective, published information and not based on conjecture. We do not want this listing to be slanted toward any particular denominational or religious viewpoint. It is intended to accurately report the composition of comic book character religiosity

Barack Obama - Fly Swatter

Small Vehicles, Massive Loads

Small Vehicles, Massive Loads.

10 Fantastic Futuristic Materials That Actually Exist

Sometimes technology leaps so far ahead it seems like the future has arrived a few years early. When the improvement comes in the area of materials the leap can seem even greater, as the new material can boost the performance of whatever they're used in.

Teflon is a perfect example but it's not the only one.
Here are 10 futuristic materials that are adding some tomorrow to our lives today.

Strange Canned Foods

Strange Canned Foods.

(thanks Nicholas)

Monday 22 June 2009

What Does The Internet Think?

Ever wondered what the internet thinks about... let's say... Barack Obama? The Financial Crisis? Global Warming? Paris Hilton? Dirty Laundry?

Well now you can find out and get the long-sought answers to your questions from this global inquiry tool. What Does the Internet Think? searches the internet for the global opinion on your search term: Positive, Negative or Ambivalent.

Here's what the Internet thinks about The Presurfer.

7 Simple, Unexpected Ways To Save Water

Even though three quarters of our planet is considered water, there is still a demand for it in almost every community, and a scarcity in many. That's because we can actually only use one to two percent of it.

With so many items that are now more available, like low-flow showerheads, faucet aerators, rain barrels, and efficient washing machines and dishwashers, there really isn't an excuse to not be more conscious. Here are some unexpected ways you can conserve water and, better yet, they are all basically free which means money in your pocket.

Apollo 11, The True Story Of The Lunar Landing

The Apollo 11 mission was the first manned mission to land on the Moon. Launched on July 16, 1969, it carried Mission Commander Neil Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin, Jr.

On July 20, Armstrong and Aldrin became the first humans to land on the Moon, while Collins orbited above.

(thanks Pierre)


Hunch is a new way to help people make all kinds of decisions, such as: Where should I go on vacation? What kind of smartphone is right for me? What blog should I read? Should I change my name? Which color should I pick for my wedding dress?

Results are based on the collective knowledge of Hunch's users.
Hunch already has more than 2,500 possible topics, and Hunch users add new topics every day. You start by answering 20 questions, then a choice of decisions is offered, or you can explore other decisions.

He's Barack Obama

Spectacular Dams Around The World

The sight of a dam - some of the largest and most complex constructions that humanity has ever created - can be quite breath-taking. Take a look at some of the most spectacular dams around the world.

(via Robert-John)

You Have An Air Conditioned What?

Discover what strange air conditioned items are available to buy at the moment. It seems that if you're hot enough and have enough disposable income, pretty much anything can be electronically cooled.

(thanks Dave)

Home Schooled

Home Schooled is a comics series by American artist Ash Jackson.
Co-writing by Silas Jackson.
The Presurfer will feature a Home Schooled cartoon every Monday. This is an absolute exclusive cooperation between The Presurfer and Ash Jackson.

Home Schooled is more or less a reflection of the wacky and occasionally interesting adventures of the artist, Ash Jackson, himself, with the aid of his friends, family, and other cohorts.

Title: Sometimes it's Sunny in Philadelphia.

click on the picture for real size

Visit the Home Schooled Webcomic.