Thursday 25 June 2009

Romanian Truck Driver Dancing While Driving

I work for a transportation company and if one of our drivers would be caught doing what this Romanian truck driver does, he would be fired immediately. Having fun while you're working is OK, but this is outright irresponsible behaviour.

(via Neatorama)

7 comment(s):

Unknown said...

What worries me most is the music

sandy shoes said...

Thomas beat me to it.

Anonymous said...

Sounded like Tejano to me.

Anonymous said...

Tsk Tsk..smoking at work!! Really!

Immortal Ping said...

i guess you didn't see the turkish one that goes to lie down and smoke a cigarette while driving :)

these are the balkans man, people are different here

Unknown said...

At least he wasn't using a hand held cell phone

Truck Sales said...

That was not dancing!