Wednesday 8 August 2007

Self-Sustainable Chair

Remember the Pillowig? From the same designer comes the Self-Sustainable Chair.

The Self-Sustainable Chair is a dress made out of polyethylene, connected to shoes that pump air into an inflatable bubble attached to its rear part on each step. The dress slowly transforms into a chair with each step and holds the person to sit on it naturally.

The Self-Sustainable chair is a conceptual garment that motivates users to consistently switch between walking and sitting as a loop behavior on the street.

The chair is a project by Joo Youn Paek. Watch how the artist herself is using the Self-Sustainable Chair. Now isn't that comfortable?

(via Nothing To Do With Arbroath)

4 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

That doesn't even look useful...
I noticed that no one was looking at the freak with the inflating butt.

Unknown said...

this is.. arr.. hmm, whats the word.... RETARDED!

Anonymous said...

You gotta be a speed reader with that thing. She sat for what? 10 seconds and thing deflated.

Anonymous said...

Resistance is futile.