The answer she gave has become an Internet sensation.
I did show the video because it was rather funny but I also realize it's not fair to enjoy Miss South Carolina's mishap without knowing why that happened.
Fortunately, she, Lauren Caitlin Upton, will have a second chance to answer it on Tuesday morning's Today show. I didn't do anything wrong, I wasn't expecting the question. I lost my train of thought, she said.
Mario Lopez, the show's host said I believe that she misunderstood it. She went down the wrong road and couldn't figure out how to get back to the right one. I felt really badly for her.
7 comment(s):
Mario is always so nice!
I saw her on Today and was very impressed by her ability to laugh at herself and recover from such an embarrassing incident. It was really fun--they kept throwing the broadcast back to her: "there's going to be a lunar eclipse tonight, and here to talk about that is Miss South Carolina". "Well, Matt, a lunar eclipse occurs when the moon moves into the earth's shadow..."
"...She went down the wrong road and couldn't figure out how to get back to the right one...."
What, too poor to afford a MAP?"
It was her blondacity...
I think the most logical explanation for her answer would be that she is a dolt.
Perhaps she's one of the 20% - the one-fifth who can't locate the US on a map - so she had no idea what the judge was talking about.
She isn't a dolt though, as crazy as she performed on stage. I met this kid at a reception recently and she spoke well and intelligently.
She just needed more rehersal, more coaching, as it were. I think she is a bit of an idiot, the more she tries to explain it, the deeper in she digs...maybe she'll outgrow it?
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