Wednesday 7 February 2007

Penny Postcards

Penny Postcards are postcards that cost 1¢ to mail. Postage was temporarily raised to 2¢ from 1917 to 1919 to cover the cost of World War I. Sending a postcard through the mail for a penny was an affordable link with the outside world for farm families in the early 1900s.

The U.S. government had issued plain, penny postal cards since 1873. The Penny Postcard was developed by Post Master General John Creswell.

2 comment(s):

czeltic girl said...

Well, there goes my afternoon. I'll be looking at postcards for the rest of it. :)

This one ends a block north of where I work. The red building just to the left of the title is this building and the triangular building near the top right of the card is our city hall (which you might recognize if you've ever seen an episode of Laverne & Shirley). It's actually kind of amazing how many buildings from that card are still standing.

eedetik said...

menutupi biaya Perang Dunia I. Mengirim kartu pos melalui pos untuk satu sen adalah tautan situs prediksi bola yang terjangkau dengan dunia luar bagi keluarga petani di awal