Wednesday 7 February 2007

The Apollo Missions

On July 20, 1969, the first man stepped on the moon. During the next 3 years 6 missions to the moon were made and a total of 12 astronauts walked on the moon. One of the missions - Apollo 13 - failed and they had to return. During these missions thousands of images were taken.

Less known is that during all the missions they made image sequences which with today's computer technics can be stitched together into 360 degrees interactive panoramas giving you the possibility to view the moon almost as you were there.

1 comment(s):

eedetik said...

Yang kurang diketahui adalah bahwa selama semua misi mereka membuat urutan gambar yang dengan teknik komputer saat ini dapat dijahit bersama menjadi panorama interaktif 360 derajat memberi Anda kemungkinan untuk melihat bulan hampir seperti Anda berada di situs prediksi bola sana.