Wednesday 7 February 2007

Hiroshima, The Pictures They Didn't Want Us To See

Weblog Fogonazos has an item about the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that incited some heated debate in the comments. I'm not trying to evoke the same discussion here, I was just impressed by the photographs accompanying the article.

For many years there was a curious gap in the photographic records. Although the names of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were incised into our memories, there were few pictures to accompany them. Even today, the image in our minds is a mixture of devastated landscapes and shattered buildings...

Some of the images have been published later by different means, but it's not usual to see them all together. This is the horror they didn't want us to see, and that we must never forget.

Warning: graphic images.

1 comment(s):

eedetik said...

Beberapa imej telah diterbitkan kemudian dengan cara yang berbeza, tetapi tidak biasa untuk melihat mereka semua bersama-sama. Inilah kengerian yang mereka tidak mahu kita lihat, dan kita tidak boleh lupa situs prediksi bola.