Wednesday 7 February 2007

Smart Or Stupid

Are you smarter or stoopider than the average person?
Take this short IQ test and find out how you compare.

My score:

8 comment(s):

Bogdan said...

Dubious definition of "smart" they must have used...

Anonymous said...

Dumb as a box of hammers! but I read the interwebs everyday so I know some stuff. 25. I know Hollywood is in California, does that make me a genious.

Anonymous said...

Why do these quizzes have so many questions with an American flavour? I know its a dumb question cos we all know the answer!

Anonymous said...

Sorry...but what does knowing brands of car name have to do with intelligence? This is more of a pop culture myspace IQ test for teenagers. I scored a 27, but I'm pretty sure I got all the questions about rappers and US presidents wrong.

Anonymous said...

It is more of a trivia contest than an actual test of intelligence.

Anonymous said...

You are all right. It's not really an IQ test, the creators just called it that way.
And I'm smart enough not to contradict them.

alilbit said...

Great answer Gerard

eedetik said...

Adakah anda lebih pintar atau bonggol berbanding orang biasa situs prediksi bola