Saturday 9 May 2015

McDonald's BagTray

McDonald's Hungary and DDB Budapest embarked on a groundbreaking innovation: the paper bag that so far only served as a food carrier is now equipped with a cardboard tray.

With one simple tearing movement by the perforation at the bottom of the bag, it can be separated from the upper part and then we can enjoy our meal in the usual manner, on a tray.

Vimeo link

(thanks Cora)

2 comment(s):

Jimmy said...

Ugh. Gerard, I am sad to see The Presurfer now posting ads for McDonald's. There's nothing interesting about finding ways to waste large amounts of paper.

Gerard said...

Jimmy, don't be sad. I'm not posting ads for McDonald's. It's just a brilliant design.

And the bag is made from reinforced cardboard. It's eco-friendly and recyclable. So nothing is wasted.