Wednesday 24 September 2014

The Presurfer Is 14 Years Old Today

The Presurfer is 14 years old today. And you made this possible. Without you, The Presurfer would be nowhere. So, thank you for your loyalty.

Please pay a visit to one of my favorite blogs, Everlasting Blort. They are 14 years old today too.

32 comment(s):

Kathleen said...

Happy birthday and keep it up!

Manuel Cheta said...

Happy birthday. I'm following you since 2010-2011. See ya next year!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! and thanks, Gerard, for your brilliant website! I've gotten many good laughs over the years (not 14 of them, but more than I can easily remember).

Terry A. Kirkpatrick said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your continuous stream of interesting and often funny links!
Congratulations with your anniversary!

Kind ragards,

the author said...

Happy blog birthday, Gerard!

John Farrier said...

Happy blogiversary! 14 years is a big accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Love the website!

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Keep up the great work.

Average Jane said...

Congratulations on 14 bloggy years!

cynx56 said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! here's to many more. thank you so much.


drgeo said...

I recall olden days when you weren't retired yet...must be better to set your own schedule. Thanks for 14, let's try for 24! drgeo

Rick said...

Anniversary !

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! and many, many returns!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Enjoyed everyday on the trip so far...

Miss Cellania said...

Has it really been that long? That makes you one of the survivors, the grand old man of blogging. Happy Blogiversary, Gerard!

BadNewspaper said...

Happy anniversary, Gerard! You're STILL one of the MUST-VISITs I have, after all these years! Thanks for being there.

Anonymous said...


Classof65 said...

Your site is a must-see for me every day. Thank you for all the work you do to provide information, laughs, and, sometimes, tears.

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Thanks for everything you give us

FCGrabo said...

Congratulations. Keep up the good work.

madamjujujive said...

Hugs to you, Gerard - and happy birthday. Thanks for the shout out to blort, we love ya right back!

Barbwire said...

Happy Birthday, and thanks for the varied and interesting posts!

MONETT said...

Sincères Félicitations !
Bonne continuation !

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary / Happy Birthday!!
Keep on keepin' on! Really enjoy how you do
-from a frequent flier

Jonco said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

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