Thursday 26 June 2014

How Much Would It Cost To Buy The Largest Transformer, Metroplex?

Have you ever dreamt of living among the Transformers? One of the most titanic Transformers of all time, Metroplex could transform into a city. The team at Movoto decided to see how much it would cost to buy the largest Autobot, Metroplex.

(thanks Chad)

1 comment(s):

Noumenon said...

That's a pretty sorry attempt. It's like valuing the space station at the size of a trailer park lot that would hold it plus 1000 times the cost of a home telescope. What about the construction materials, future technology, energon costs, an elevator for its carrier form... not just the land it sits on. And it's a mobile city! It doesn't have to be built on Seattle real estate, it can just walk out in the countryside somewhere. Where does a 30,000 ton mobile city relocate? Anywhere it wants.