Saturday, 5 April 2014

Why UPS Trucks Don't Turn Left

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In 2004, UPS announced a new policy for its drivers: the right way to get to any destination was to avoid left-hand turns. UPS engineers found that left-hand turns were a major drag on efficiency. Turning against traffic resulted in long waits in left-hand turn lanes that wasted time and fuel, and it also led to a disproportionate number of accidents.

By mapping out routes that involved 'a series of right-hand loops,' UPS improved profits and safety while touting their catchy, environmentally friendly policy. As of 2012, the right turn rule combined with other improvements saved around 10 million gallons of gas and reduced emissions by the equivalent of taking 5,300 cars of the road for a year.

2 comment(s):

BadNewspaper said...

Extremely interesting. Nice find, Gerard!

Anonymous said...

In Fresno, the UPS Distribution Center is 500 feet East of the freeway on ramp on the South side of the road. They MUST turn Left to get on the freeway.