Saturday, 9 November 2013

Guts And Gumption: Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Wore Their Hearts On Their Helmets

image credit

Some of the hand-painted imagery on the helmets worn by Vietnam helicopter pilots and crew had anti-war messages. The peace sign, in some cases, was meant as social commentary on the irony of the situation they were in.

Many of these guys paid tribute to patriotism, the comic-book superhero Captain America, and as Peter Fonda's motorcycle-riding hippie in 'Easy Rider' in the same stars-and-stripe type helmet.

(thanks Lisa)

2 comment(s):

Jar(egg)head said...

At the risk of nit-picking, that image you there is of a fighter pilot's helmet, not a helicopter pilot's. VMA-311 is a Marine attack squadron. V means fixed wing; M means Marine; A means attack. The squadron flew A-4 Skyhawk attack jets during Vietnam.

Sorry, but that was bugging me. =P

Gerard said...

You're not nit-picking at all Jar(egg)head. You are right. I couldn't find a helicopter pilot helmet on the net.