Monday 10 June 2013

Living Statue Levitation

image credit: Eugene Kaspersky cc

Opinion is divided on the subject of living statues. If you have traveled to any major world city then you know who I mean: the street entertainers who spend hours dressing up and applying makeup and then spend the rest of the day rooted to the spot.

They either fascinate, creep out or both in equal parts. Yet this is a new one - the living statue apparently suspended in mid-air and looking quite relaxed about it too. So, how does he do it?

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

there is always a very thick cane (or pole) touching the ground. this cane is structural, and continues as one solid piece up to the hand, turns 90 degrees and continues into the sleeve of the coat, down the back shoulder, and to a platrform underneath the performer, on which he sits. you can see the edge of the square platform in the third photo down.

the pole is welded to a large square thin base, which is always covered under a carpet or (in the case of some indian performers, who work from the same spot all the time, a permanent foundation below the ground surface.

in the third photo of the article it is also clear how the entire structure bends back just a bit, under the weight.

Stavros said...

He is sitting on a seat that is connected to the pole via a support that runs through the sleeve of his left arm. There is a large plate under the rug to keep the whole rig from tipping.