Tuesday, 9 April 2013

15 Ill-Conceived McDonald's Meals Doomed to Fail

image credit: joncia cc

According to The New York Times, the recent economic slump hasn't slowed McDonald's down one bit. Based on 2011 sales data, McDonald's hold the biggest share of the market in their category.

Still, as much as we can learn from the company's success, we can also be equally enlightened by their failures - with relish on top! Take a look at these 15 weakly planned product ideas - menu options all of which were doomed to fail.

3 comment(s):

LadyBelle said...

The link gives a not found on server error when I try to look at it.

Anonymous said...

link is broken

"Not Found

The requested URL /15-ill-conceived-mcdonalds-meals-doomed-to-fail/ was not found on this server."

Gerard said...

The site was offline for a while due to maintenance. It works now.