Tuesday, 12 March 2013

The Ultimate Regional Vocabulary Throwdown

Pop vs. Soda is only the tip of the iceberg. These maps break down the most debated terms so you can see the truth for yourself. A dialect survey by linguist Bert Vaux and colleagues at Harvard University.

5 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

I'm from New England - born in Boston, Mass. We don't say 'pop' or 'soda'. We say 'tonic'.

Anonymous said...

Then what do you call Tonic?

NotMarian said...

Mike: "would you get me a coke?"
Jeff: "Yes, what kind do you want?"
Mike: "Sprite."

Also, it's a "hair thingy" not a hair band or a hair thing.

Sean said...

Apparently it's not hip to say supper anymore.

Dave said...

Breakfast, dinner, & supper. Lunch is what you took to school/work.