Thursday, 11 October 2012

The Art Of Using Chopsticks Correctly

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Chopsticks are a mainstay of dinner tables in Japan and throughout Asia. Japanese people have been using them since they were small children - that doesn't mean, however, that they've been using them correctly. In fact, many have not.

According to a Meijiro University study, something like 30 percent of people aged 40s to 50s use chopsticks correctly. It's said that each year the number decreases. So what's the correct way to hold chopsticks?

2 comment(s):

Gareth said...

What's the correct way to use chopsticks?

Well some would disagree with the article and say that this depends where you come from. And they would be right in so far as you see differences in the predominant way chopsticks are used in different countries and even regions of countries.

However I would say that the correct way is the way that works for you.

It's like the way in the west etiquette in some circles demands that you hold your knife and fork in a very precise way. In some circles turning your fork concave side up is frowned upon. Etiquette in those circles demands that you use the fork concave side down for everything. Clearly that is inefficient for some foods and therefore nonsense.

Keith said...

Best video on chopstick use: