Tuesday 25 September 2012

Velopresso, A Mobile Coffee Cart Serving The Streets Of London

Wouldn't it be great if you could get your morning coffee without facing the grumpy, under-caffeinated masses in your local cafe? What if someone rode up on your bloc and prepared the perfect espresso street side? Coffee-heads rejoice, as a magical mobile brew has come to life in London.

Amos Field Reid and Lasse Oiva, two graduates from the Royal College of Art in London have created the Velopresso, a bike-meets-coffee house that serves high quality joe on the go.

(thanks Cora)

1 comment(s):

Gareth said...

OK so being pedal powered may be novel, but mobil coffee certainly isn't. I've bought good coffee from small vans, something that seemed to be a converted icecream van and even an apecar.