Tuesday 25 September 2012

10 Famous People Who Died Penniless

History is littered with riches-to-rags tales of celebrities and artists who recklessly spent their fortunes on their extravagant lifestyles and were left with nothing when the flame stopped flickering.

It's also full of cases in which people only achieved fame and financial success posthumously, earning millions after their deaths but still dying penniless and in relative obscurity. Here's a look at ten of the most shocking and depressing fame casualties.

(thanks David)

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Just FYI, the link in "penniless" leads to a site called paydayloan.co.uk which comes up as having a poor reputation according WOT. I don't know if this is the right link, if it's been hijacked, or if paydayloan is the right destination and the rating is not appropriate (it is safe after all), so, just a heads up. --A.

Gareth said...

The linked article is is on paydayloan.co.uk

Interesting article, but I think the author needs to rethink the term penniless. Most people would understand the term penniless to mean the same as destitute and while some of those people may have thrown away most of their fortune they were not destitute when they died.