Wednesday 27 June 2012

11 Authors Who Hated The Movie Versions Of Their Books

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Disney's Mary Poppins might be a cherished childhood memory for a lot of us, but for author P.L. Travers it was a complete slap in the face. Despite having script approval, Travers' edits were largely disregarded. Travers loathed the movie's animated sequences and was perturbed that Mary Poppins' strict side was downplayed. Some of the most beloved movies ever were based on books. But just because we loved them doesn't mean the original author did.

11 Authors who hated the movie versions of their books.

3 comment(s):

Ladybelle said...

Quite frankly, I agree about Mary Poppins. The children had at least three other siblings in the books. The disney movie took bits and pieces from all the books and mashed them together. They also made a lot of changes to the character of Mary herself, making her more "disneyfied"

Brian Kern said...

I'm with Richard Matheson on I Am Legend. I preferred the original ending, especially because THATS WHAT THE DAMN BOOK WAS ABOUT! Hell, even the TITLE was about becoming the monster! It's why I'm scared to see Hyperion whenever it comes out.

Gareth said...

Interesting comment on Dahl. He was deeply involved with the film, he consulted on the production and wrote the screenplay. So given his level of involvement it seems strange that he didn't voice these concerns during production, but waited until it was too late.