Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Don't Text While Walking

Don't text on your smartphone while walking. Always look where you're going.
Otherwise you might walk into a black bear.

YouTube link

7 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Video doesn't work due to a copyright claim.

Gerard said...

Found another one.

Unknown said...

Video doesn't work! could it be 'cause I live outside the United States? happends all the time to me

Gerard said...

Unfortunately, the video has been removed.

Anonymous said...

And removed from Yahoo as well! Removed on the verge of going viral. Well, that's their loss - no 15 minutes of fame.

Gerard said...

Third try. Let's see how long this one stays up.

High Power Rocketry said...

Talk about a scare! That guys heart went from 70 to 170!