Thursday 29 March 2012

You Never Have To Drink A Warm Beer Again

Few things can ruin a party like warm beer. You can pack ice around it all you want; you're still going to be waiting half an hour for it to get cold and you'll probably still crack it open too soon. LG unveiled a new refrigerator that comes with the handiest feature since the built-in ice maker: a Blast Chiller that can cool a can of beer or soda to ice cold in just a few minutes.

The compartment cools at an accelerated rate and swirls the air inside to keep the temperature evenly distributed. A 12 oz. can of soda or beer can be chilled to ice cold in five minutes. In eight minutes, the same can happen with a bottle of wine or two soda cans.

2 comment(s):

Unknown said...

This. Is. INCREDIBLE. Is this the first time they asked a man about kitchen appliance design?

Simon Smith said...

Problem: Beer that tastes like moose urine.

Solution #1: Drink better beer, stuff that actually tastes good at cellar temperature (11-13°C).

Solution #2: Chill the beer to 0°C so that most of its flavour is lost and you can't tell how vile it really is.

I think this fridge may be solving the wrong problem.