Tuesday 1 November 2011

Cutting Open A Coconut Hawaii Vs Trinidad

How to cut open a coconut the real way - Hawaii vs Trinidad.

YouTube link

(thanks Cora)

5 comment(s):

Dee said...

I grew up in Hawaii, but I have to say that Trinidad wins, hands down.

Anonymous said...

Dat da kine one sharp machette, man!

Manuel said...

Wow, that was a fast one. Bring one of those guys into war. He'll know what to do :))

Lorelei Armstrong said...

I live on Kauai. Guy #2 had a much younger, softer coconut.

Noumenon said...

Wow, Lorelei, thanks for restoring my faith that white guys don't suck at everything! (I was reading too much into the video, I know, but it was depressing.)