Friday 2 September 2011

Can Your Skin Change Color By Eating Certain Foods Or Chemicals?

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You often hear stories or reports of people having their skin change color after ingesting large quantities of certain foods or chemicals. One popular food in these stories is carrots, or rather, the carotene in carrots. Is there any truth to these claims? And if so, are there any other chemicals that have a similar affect on our skin?

3 comment(s):

Ima said...

YES. About 30 years ago, I worked with a woman who was a FREAK for carrots. I mean, like all day she would be chomping on them. Parts of her face had an orange-ish tinge.

Dee said...

Absolutely. I took my son to his 6 month checkup and the Dr. said "So, he had carrots last night, right?" The tip of his nose was quite orange.

Belinda said...

Yes, I was on a diet and eating lots of carrots. I hadn't noticed a change in my skin color, but a stranger at a store asked me if I had been painting something because my hands were orange.