Monday 25 July 2011

Test Your Vocab

Test Your Vocab is a research project to measure vocabulary sizes according to age and education, and particularly to compare native learning rates with foreign language classroom learning rates. It functions by means of a test: the first part with a handful of words to determine the general vocabulary level, and a second part with a larger but narrower selection of words to determine the vocabulary level with greater precision.

My total vocabulary size is estimated to be 17,800 words. That's not bad since English is not my native language. Most adults fall in the range 20,000 - 35,000, with the exact median score being 27,123 words. Test Your Vocab.

(via Today I learned something new)

9 comment(s):

Ashlea S said...

My vocabulary was estimated at 32,000.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't get the damn thing to "continue", perhaps I'm illiterate?

NotMarian said...

29,600. It was difficult to resist clicking words that I had heard of and had some vague notion of the meaning. I had to decide if I actually knew the definition or had just a feeling about it.

Anonymous said...


I speak a few other languages (including Algemeen "Beschadigd" Nederlands) which seemed to help with the more exotic words

Charlestonjoan said...

22,700 for me but knowing a definition doesn't mean I use many of them in my regular vocabulary.

Ima said...


Cool post, Gerard!

Life is an Experiment said...

I think I read too much...hah!

Anonymous said...

24.800.. not bad for a non native speaker i think :)

Перец said...

My result is 13500. And the average result of this this is 4500. Not bad, I think :) I can recommend you to use a great website which can help you to improve vocabulary:
In a few months you can apss the vocabulary test again :)