Saturday 18 June 2011

The Dalai Lama Walks Into A Pizza Shop...

Ever heard of the Dalai Lama joke? It goes like this: So the Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop, and says, 'can you make me one with everything.' Australian 'Today' show host Karl Stefanovic decides to tell this joke to the Dalai Lama himself. It appears that His Holiness can take a joke, but not necessarily get one.

YouTube link

5 comment(s):

Riku Pepponen said...

So Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says "Make me one with everything".

"Fine, that'll be $15.20."

Dalai Lama hands him a $20 bill, gets the pizza, but the clerk doesn't give him the change.

"Hey, where's my change?"

"Change comes from within."

Belinda said...

"Being one with everything" is a concept of Zen Buddhism, not Tibetan Buddhism. No wonder the Dalai Lama didn't get the joke.

NotMarian said...

It also has to do with his grasp of English -which is very good, but maybe not enough for the ability to get jokes like that.

NM said...

Because even though he is a Tibetan Buddhist, not a Zen Buddhist, I'm sure he is intelligent enough to know what Zen Buddhism is.

Anonymous said...

As an Aussie, I'd like to say that people like Karl Stefanovic (the 'reporter' in the video) make me feel embarrassed to be Australian.