Wednesday 11 May 2011

A Dutch Cure For Pollution: Free Parking

The city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands is appealing to the psyche, and wallet, of many a motorized urban dweller - it is giving away a free parking spot to anyone who buys an electric car.

Under a plan started in 2009 and now picking up steam, electric car owners receive a space near their residence that comes with a charging station installed by the city. The city is also giving away the electricity to the vehicle owner. And, as an added green touch, Amsterdam claims that all the electricity that feeds the charging posts comes from green sources such as solar, wind and waste-based biomass.

(thanks Cora)

2 comment(s):

Robb said...

Free money from the city? And who's paying the city?

Anonymous said...

Nevertheless it´s a very good idea! It makes it very attractive to buy such a car. And nobody said that it´s free money...