Saturday 14 May 2011

10 Products Designed For Lazy People

Ever since The Clapper hit the market in 1985, the device has been famous for its hilarious premise: to relieve people from doing the simplest of tasks. But in today's society of instant gratification and digital versions of almost anything, ease-of-use is becoming increasingly normal... and ridiculous. Here are some wacky inventions that ensure you'll never have to lift a finger again.

(thanks Jessie)

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Say what one may about lazy people, those products are absolutely great for the disabled or elderly. One of my friend's dad has MS and really only has good functionality with one arm. Any of these "lazy people" products would be really great for him...

(PS, that Sverige comment is spam; check its link.)

Gerard said...

You're of course right about these products being great for the disabled or elderly.
Thanks for the warning. I removed the spam message.