Tuesday 19 April 2011

Orange Sheep

In Great Britain, big increases in lamb prices have led to a 500% jump in reported thefts of livestock. John Heard, a farmer from Dartmoor, England, has had enough and has come up with a unique and eye-catching solution to stop his sheep from being stolen.

He has put his flock of 250 blackface ewes through a harmless dip of orange dye making them so highly visible wary thieves are giving them a wide berth.

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

I've seen orange/yellow sheep around, but I'm not convinced it's much of an anti-theft device. At one local show last year two farmers had orange/yellow sheep so they are not uncommon. As such they are unlikely to raise an eyebrow.

Much stolen livestock is never seen again. It is slaughtered illegally, butchered in secret and if it enters the legimate market at all it will be with forged paperwork. Much of it doesn't really enter the legitimate market since it is sold to catering establishments who are part of the black market. Thieves dealing in this trade won't be too bothered about the colour of the fleece.